Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | May 7, 2016

Partnering Fully With Body and Soul in Rhythm…

the dance of life

Well, I do think I am starting to see a much bigger picture unfold and at least for my part, starting to see why we are being inspired into directions we never even thought about.

I had a dream the night before last, a dream as vivid in recall detail as my car dream a couple of weeks ago.  I dreamt of my first boyfriend again. This is the second or third time in the last several years that I had dreamt of him.  It always present day and his present day self never looks the same as it did in a prior dream.  In the dreams, I always go to his house and he is always still married (been that way for over 30 years.)  But even in the dreams, I go to see him just to see how he is doing and no other reason.

With the dream the other day, holy cow the obstacles I had to go thru.  I went to the house, he was still living with his mother (his parents are both passed) and when I told his mother I was there to see george, seems like everyone was sleeping except her.  She went upstairs and then down came this young boy (maybe 20’s) of color.  I looked at him hard and thought to myself, I know people change with age, but their skin color doesn’t change!!  I think some part of me must have known i was in a dream because the fact this boy was in his 20’s instead of his 50’s didn’t raise a flag.  I was unsure whether this was my George or not.  Then it dawned on me, you’re not the George I wanted.  His mother went back upstairs and down came a guy named Carl, his brother (that he does not have in this lifetime, he has 2 or 3 sisters but no brothers.)  Then I was taken upstairs to the bedroom he was sleeping in and his wife greeted me at the door and told me George was still sleeping and I could see him out cold under the covers.

Then it got really really really weird, to the point I almost want to leave this out of the sharing, but… Somehow his wife took a handful of his semen and started to smear it all over her (weird.)  Then she took some of the semen put it in what looked a lot like a thumb drive for a computer and inserted it into her vagina.  WTF????  I suddenly thought about a conversation I had with my father, he had told me that every time he wanted to leave his wife (the one he had after my mother) she would get pregnant so he couldn’t leave.

I got up (I was sitting on the floor witnessing this bizarre behavior) and decided it was time to go.  I am not going to get to say hi to George this visit.  I was walking across a long field to where my car was parked and then suddenly who comes to stand next to me but George himself.  I was stunned by what I felt.  The love that I had for him back in my teenage years was as present as it ever was just looking at him.  The only HUGE difference now with what I was feeling, none of the insecurities was present.  He was as beautiful as he was then, older, but the energy was as if it never went away.  It so overwhelmed me I woke up from the experience… too late to even think about putting out a blog.

Now lets tie this into my energetic and elusive Jorge de Norte.  The very first time he appeared in my meditation years ago, he first appeared as George, then morphed into the image I see as him now.  He explained that George was my first love, he will be my last love and wanted to booked the understanding my using George and taking on the mexican version of George… Jorge.

So on my way to the “Practice Party” dance class I went to last evening, I thought about this dream all the way there.  Given the way my car dream turned out… It really was the energy of love that I pondered, it was so clear, so unobstructed by any of the past bullshit we tend to bring to new relationships with (the insecurities and stuff) which made it so strong in the heart and free to be whatever it would be.

George entered my life was I was 14 and we dated until I was 17, I broke up with him because he started hinting marriage and I started thinking the world is way to big to sit in one spot.  I joined the Navy he found another girlfriend and never left that spot called his life in PA.  But it was the energy of 17 that caught my eye in my review/drive.

Once I got to dance class, this was really fun.  There were many teachers there and other students, teaching all different steps of dance.  We would dance for a minute with one partner for a minute or so and then switch.  There was a male teacher in particular that challenged the hell out of me, he was my favorite.  I made sure everyone knew I only had one dance class on Monday, forgive me if my feet should trip over yours.  But this dance teacher named Chris, didn’t care that I barely knew how to do the two-step, forget twirls and whirls at the same time, he kept spinning me around I would literally get dizzy and have to wait a minute to reorient my equilibrium and my feet.  When I would completely fall out of the rhythm of the dance steps (every three steps lol) he started to instruct me exactly, I mean word for word exactly like I teach meditation.  “Don’t think about what you are doing, just feel it.”  I even said that to him, you teach dance like I teach meditation.  A big smile came over his face and he said exactly and he would push me further than I realized I could do.  I loved that!!

It dawned on me big time… I have incredible control of my mind, 16 years of practice is good like that.  But my feet… holy shit batman, my feet have a mind of their own and they ain’t synced up with the flow of my minds desires.  This is going to be a great challenge.  Hell I have club danced all my life, but with that there is no partnerships, there is just the floor and the music and whatever your feet want to do.  Now my feet need to become as trained on the dance floor as my mind is in meditation.  Can we also lean into trust, man oh man, the man leads, I must follow his lead and trust he won’t ram into a wall, since the woman is usually dancing backwards.  Yikes.  My feet really are an unruly beast, but having fun learning to train them!!

So on my way home, which I left early.  The second half of this very packed Practice Party, wow the dancers were amazing.  The fluidness in which they whirled around the dance floor, I am stepping up my dance lessons.  If I can train my mind to dance around the multiverses, I sure as hell can eventually get my feet to twirl in harmony around the dance floor with a partner.

Anywayz, on my way home I started to think about the conversations with this one teacher and my half written book called “The Lost Codes of Shambhala” and my dream experience.

So lets focus in on the energy of Shambhala.  Heaven on earth.  Fluidity and magic in the feet and the mind, together producing magic.  These “Lost codes” can only come thru what my team calls a Divine Counter-Part.  Thru the decades, I had fleeting glimpses of experience, of which I have written about.  With my mentor back in 2002, when my body felt like a honing device for his magnetic field as he slept in a bed 5 feet away.  I had to hold onto my mattress (quite literally) for fear my body would just fling itself out of my bed and onto his.  Then with my foreplay moment with Frank in I think 2006 (time blurs looking back lol.)  My conscious was out of my body, the energy expanding me thru my room up at the ceiling while still very aware and connected to my body.  Then he talked and everything collapsed.

I am now learning there is a rhythm, a connected partnership that I have never experienced before, called the dance floor.  When my mind was not watching my feet or thinking about my feet at all, I could move fluidly with my dance partner and then my pesky mind would come and say wow look, we are doing it, and my feet would fall completely out of rhythm.  I would giggle, apologise and refocus.

Imagine what happens when you can fully control the magnetic field (going to the experience of my mentor) and not so much fight against it but move deeper into the rhythm of it.  To take the sexual experience out-of-body and in body at the same time, with soul awareness in the forefront (the expanded consciousness at the ceiling with Frank) contingent on a love that is so unencumbered by past or present issues.   The full motor of life would be working at top speed of efficiency, entrained in a dual energy field that needs not a single word said out loud…

And I come back to the energy of 17, and the fact that next year just happens to be 2017.  I know that this year is giving us the challenges and skills to use and make efficient our full magic, our full on powers that lay within us… if we dare to do something, anything differently!!

Go ahead, dare to do something different, get out of your comfort zone and live the next expanded version of Heaven on earth!!!

I love you all so freakin much and thank you for being my constant dance partner thru this amazing evolution of our song of Life.  Holy freakin shit batman, as I am looking for artwork to go with today’s sharing, I just got a phone call from my son and my oldest daughter, whom I have not spoken to since I got diagnosed with Cancer in Oct 2012, and who just had my most recent grandson Rune in January is wanting to come to my house today to let me meet my grandson and spend mothers day with me.  Just holy shit!!    MIRACLES are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!

((((HUGZ)))) of magnetic flow opening wonders thru and to ALL!!!  MIRACLES ARE EVERYWHERE!!! ❤

Lisa Gawlas

P.S. 2-3 month inner superpowers, outer Intergalactic Connections Course now available.  Click here for full details. (The last day to register for this course is May 16th.)






  1. Oh Lisa, that is so amazing…..fascinating article… glad you are going to meet Rune!!!! Blessings abound! Love and big hugs! LuAnne

    Sent from my iPad



    • Ditto 🙂 Happy Mothers Day.!


  2. Reblogged this on unity2013.


    [Dolphin Rhythm Evolution in Healing and Human Movement]

    Dolphin Dreaming ~ Stellar Being
    Earth Dancing ~ Human Being
    Playing Creativity
    Journeying Evolution
    Merging Oneness Home

    Dolphin Dreaming ~ Stellar Being
    Earth Dancing ~ Human Remembering
    As Above, So Below
    Healing Catastrophobia
    Merging Oneness Home

    (by me, 2005)

    ~ ~ ‘body and soul in rhythm’ ~ ~

    happy mothers day ~ ~ happy children’s day ❤


  4. […] LISA GAWLAS – Partnering Fully With Body and Soul in Rhythm – 5-7-16 * Well, I do think I am starting to see a much bigger picture unfold and at least for my part, […]


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