Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | March 19, 2016

Change and Intense Magnetic Infusion and Recallibration!

energy enhancements

What an odd way to see everyone these days, swirling bits and pieces of body parts and energy.  Well, swirling is not quite the right word, more like quickly rotating.  In this quickly rotating field that is you, I see bits of biology, nothing connected to itself yet.  An arm here, intestines there, kidneys flailing around and around.  It’s a truly bizarre sight.  Every ounce of you recalibrating its magnetic field to the arising equinox, turning permanent magnetic field of earth energy thru your core.  Just to be very clear on how I see this happening, the earth has opened up a stream of her pure magnetic energy thru the earth, your soul skin has widened at the bottom to make room for this intense impregnation of this magnetic pole becoming your core energy and is slowly elongating upwards and altho I have not seen the final product (ummm, you lol) I have a feeling this magnetic system will come out about a foot above the head, but we will see as the days go by.

What I am understanding is this is the restoration (with many added perks) to our original design, to be empowered Beings with the earth’s energy.  To play and live and love in unity with the All, here, on earth.

There is no doubt in my heart, there is something huge taking place as our bodies.  I say that because in the last couple of days, out of the clear blue sky, suddenly I have two massage appointments scheduled.  I haven’t laid my hands on a body in two years.  Well, now I have a Mexican, Indian man coming in today, whom I had the privilege of watching his body evolve as he purposely evolved his consciousness and abilities within over the last 5 years.  He was actually the last massage I had done, 2 years ago.  Then suddenly he called and asked to come see me again.  I about peed my pants with excitement, because as I was talking to him, his team said, yes, he has the new body template.  Then, the next day, I have a lady that I had seen a few years ago, still connected to what I call soap-bubble land, coming in next saturday.  What are the chances of that??  Two very different, extremely important contrasts within a week of each other.  My only hope… I hope that skill set is like riding a bicycle since I haven’t done that intense work in 2 years.

I am going to completely change the subject here, I wanted to touch on it yesterday, but time was not on my side. Today, it very much is!!

Have you ever read something, that seems to out of this world impossible, yet there’s such a feeling of truth to it, that it lingers in the front of your consciousness… waiting.  I cannot even remember how long ago (10 -15 years) I read the final book of one of my favorite authors, Ken Carey called The Third Millennium, and at the end of the book he said something about leaving this planet and flying to other worlds, thru the stars, hand in hand with God (since he was channeling God thru the book.)

The day I found the article on Mellen Thomas Benedict, I went on a binge, I read as much as I could on his experiences, then found a youtube video where he was interviewed for 90 minutes, I listened to the whole interview, tons of interesting stuff in there, but I really perked my ears up when he was talking about leaving this earth.  Literally, as a species and developing colonies on other planets, allowing Gaia a much-needed rest.  (I will leave the video at the end of this sharing, for those interested in hearing it.)

Instantly, Ken Carey’s sharing came flooding back to the forefront of my mind.  What really sealed the deal in this mind altering thought/knowing was an email I get on occasion from Tom Kenyon and his messages from the Hathors.  (Click the link to read the whole channeling.)  This particular line really jumped out at me, considering just last week, Mellen was talking about the same thing (much more lovingly than the Hathors did tho lol.  I suppose that’s the difference between seeing something thru Gods eyes and seeing something thru an incarnate Beings eyes:)  “Indeed, a growing number of your scientists are saying that your Earth is entering the beginning stages of a “6th mass extinction.”

Now lets look at the Hathors paragraph talking about our changes within our bodies:

“A second challenge to your individual stability has to do with the magnetic shifts and dimensional alterations that are unfolding on your planet. Because your nervous system operates according to the principles of bio-electromagnetism, the neural networks in your nervous systems are being challenged by these shifts and alterations. Some of you, especially those who are energetically sensitive, will be prone to this more than others. But increasingly, no one will be exempt…

…The first has to do with the destabilization of your nervous system making it more prone to losing its center. And the second level has to do with the process of catalytic evolution that you are undergoing as a human being at this point in time. What we mean by this is what has been hidden is being revealed. The deepest catacombs of your subconscious are being turned over like a plow cutting through a field. This is essentially a very disturbing state to deal with especially for those of you who think of yourselves as spiritual beings.

If you are of the opinion that being a spiritual being requires that you always be in a state of bliss and happiness then you will find this purification process deeply disturbing, but it is—quite frankly—required for individual evolution and liberation from the restrictions imposed by your religions and confining histories. It is also necessary for humanity, as a whole, to face and transform its own shadow material (i.e., unresolved emotional issues and destructive belief patterns) if humankind is to survive.”

(I made the few sentences, bold.)  Can I just throw a high-five out for the first sentence in the 3rd paragraph I shared.  This process down right freakin hurts like hell biologically, but not 24/7 thank god.  However, more frequently than I personally have ever experienced before.  But coming thru the pain within the body, is the most amazing clarity, the knowing… then whomp back in again for another tug on the hair!!  Like pulling the hair out, one follicle at a time, and on occasion, whole handfuls at a time!

Over the last few years, thru many of the readings, the focus and understanding has leaned into breathing in new energy, new atmospheric energy.  Quantum energy that spirit keeps saying, has never been on this side of the earth realm before.  Now I see the bigger picture emerging.  We are changing our entire Beings to allow for our life in other realms.  The work we are doing, naturally comes into our babies already done.

Even going into the hathors statement of “what has been hidden, is being revealed.”  Spirit started talking about the wisdom of the “original earth” that has never been a part of our memories, for those who have no need to keep dragging our old memories forward, this hidden wonder is coming thru you.  I see it and hear it every day in the readings.  Wowzers!!  YOU keep me going and staying centered in joy, YOU truly give me, all of us, the privilege of realizing the enormity, the wonders of this massive change that IS happening!!

I will leave off there for today.  I love and honor you All, so very very much.  Thank you for Being and Being so Beautiful!!!

((((HUGZ)))) of Change inside and out to All!!

Lisa Gawlas

P.S. 3 Day Special in honor the massive changes happening thru the Equinox energies.  Save 22% off of a 15 or 30 minute reading.  Type in coupon code: Change (expires March 22nd.)






  1. Lisa, just wanted to give you an update. I was about 4 rows back at trumps rally. Also I met his son Donald jr. After….so whatever my energy does while touching the same ground as them, it’s doing its thang! Maybe we will see some results down the road. I have pictures if your interested. 🙂


  2. Thank you for answering my question about the specifics of this body-pole. 😄


  3. Earth Humanity is in fact evolving beyond the need to manifest a physical body. it is part of the process of Celestail Transformation according to Ye, The Highest of All That Is; because there are limitations within the DNA. However this is not something to occur within, say the next ‘100 years’.

    And it is more the likelihood that Earth Healers incarnated at this time will not be the first in transforming in this way in this lifetime, but rather transitioned from this physical life via the ‘death process’.

    Celestial Transformation since 1994 has assisted Humanity to evolve with Earth’s changes, rather than being destroyed by them; this assistance for Humanity, Earth Mother and all Life within and without has catalyzed evolution as Resonant Harmonic Induction; Diivne frequency resonances available to all ready to benefit, by choice, or not; by awakening the divinity WITHIN. This pioneering has paved the way so that the transition is easier for others.

    The Earth Healing Network has the task of assisting all in the network to evolve.

    That is the Big Picture.


    • There are those of us who have been physically suffering like mad in keeping this Ascension of GAIA/humanity moving ever forward and expanding.

      We “know” that we came here to go through this hellish torture as Forerunners, so that when the planet shifts into 5D Lightbody (crystalline energy body)…..that we would time it so that we would go with her.
      We also would finally be able to transfigure/transmutate our “physical” carbon bodies into the “quasi-physical” fully crystalline-based, 5D human Lightbody.

      Currently our bodies are partially crystalline, as the transformation is gradual and ongoing (and torturous).
      We have not been allowed to “die”. That is the traditional escape out of here, through typical Ascension through Death.
      That is not the plan, this time…..for the very first time on this planet.
      The most advanced Lightworkers will be taking their bodies with them, and will not be experiencing physical death.

      And rather than occurring in 100 years, the transformation into Lightbody occurs in an INSTANT, with a “flash” of light.

      Keep in mind that THIS Timeline, is one of the highest frequency ones.

      All other Timelines espoused by Channellers in which they try to convince you that Lightbody transfiguration will not happen for 100s of years, or thousands, or even decades…..all of those slow Timelines are for Lower Frequency people to believe in and experience.


      • Hi Kier,

        Here is a quick response . .

        I am careful not to use the word ‘ascension’, but rather evolution, because people interpret it in various ways.

        I posted a reply in comments a few days ago at link:

        The Braxton Hicks Contractions have Started!!

        References to ‘ascension it in the context of Celestial Transformation is as follows:

        DIVINE ASCENDANT (or Divine Dominant) is a significant level for Humanity where there is no longer any Karma. At this level of evolution of Divine Mastery, which is higher than SPIRITUAL ASCENDED, a Divine being (AS IN A PHYSICAL HUMAN STILL IN BODY ON EARTH) CHOOSES THEIR OWN LIFE PURPOSE OR PATH. There is nothing that one ‘has to do’, no ‘plan to fulfill’ other than that of the individual divine choice; Own Soul’s DIVINE DECREE. ULTIMATELY it is all about BEING AN EXPRESSION OF HIGHEST LOVE IN WHATEVER ONE DOES, SAYS ETC.
        Spiritual Ascended: No longer needing to incarnate in physical body.

        Divine Ascended: No Lightbody, or chakras or kundalini.
        Many of us are Divine Ascended and still in body here, so definitions are key.

        Divine Ascended choose own path and purpose, as there is no longer karma.

        Hope this helps!


      • Expanding Divine Light REMOVES Light Body

        Celestial Transformation awakens divinity within and EXPANDS THE SMALLEST MOLECULE OF DIVINE LIGHT IN THE HEART AREA into every level, aspect and dimension, in a positive and beneficial way.

        One of the many benefits of Celestial Transformation is that it removes light bodies.

        “Light bodies are removed (humans are not designed to have light bodies. Light bodies represent interference from negative dominant beings.”

        Divinity does not have Lightbody; Divine Humans and Divine Earth Mother do not have a lightbody.

        “At the centre of that which is Earth Mother, and in the parallel of Earth, which WE ARE CREATING in a Higher- than-Divine Dimension if you like, we are creating most beauteous Golden Globe of Light. And if the Golden Globe of Light is not RADIATING and EXPANDING, then it is magnifying and echoing, and it is most, most beneficial.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Going into the Light is a Key Part of Celestial Transformation.

        “To go into the light, one must intend to go into the light. It is true that one may intend to go into the light and also meditate within the light. But being in meditation, does not unless the intent is there, and unless there is specific knowledge, apex knowledge to assist, entail going into the light. I cannot stress enough how powerful the experience of going into the light really is. It is a breakthrough for humans to do this. It creates most intense experiences of change, of transformation, of enlightenment.” [Ye, Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Expanding into Highest Truth and Apex Knowledge can assist in identifying obsolete beliefs.

        “As you have so rightly interpreted, people will work within their own belief
        systems. There are limitations within some belief systems. Therefore, various energies, lights and essences presented to such a person would be interpreted within their model of the world; within their model of how the human and human-plus (if they believe in human-plus); how their systems work. There is expectation. There is an unfaltering belief that it is the way they have discovered it to be within themselves. It will take a paradigm shift in consciousness for such people who have learned their techniques; and their particular values that go along with what they have been taught. The suggestions and auto-suggestions will need to be de-hypnotized in order to assist such people to be unlimited in their perception; and open-minded to the many differences and the many possibilities in being; on all levels, aspects and dimensions.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission, circa 1998]


      • Expanding Divine Light REMOVES Light Body

        Celestial Transformation awakens divinity within and EXPANDS THE SMALLEST MOLECULE OF DIVINE LIGHT IN THE HEART AREA into every level, aspect and dimension, in a positive and beneficial way.

        One of the many benefits of Celestial Transformation is that it removes light bodies.

        “Light bodies are removed (humans are not designed to have light bodies. Light bodies represent interference from negative dominant beings.”

        Divinity does not have Lightbody; Divine Humans and Divine Earth Mother do not have a lightbody.

        “At the centre of that which is Earth Mother, and in the parallel of Earth, which WE ARE CREATING in a Higher- than-Divine Dimension if you like, we are creating most beauteous Golden Globe of Light. And if the Golden Globe of Light is not RADIATING and EXPANDING, then it is magnifying and echoing, and it is most, most beneficial.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Going into the Light is a Key Part of Celestial Transformation.

        “To go into the light, one must intend to go into the light. It is true that one may intend to go into the light and also meditate within the light. But being in meditation, does not unless the intent is there, and unless there is specific knowledge, apex knowledge to assist, entail going into the light. I cannot stress enough how powerful the experience of going into the light really is. It is a breakthrough for humans to do this. It creates most intense experiences of change, of transformation, of enlightenment.” [Ye, Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Expanding into Highest Truth and Apex Knowledge can assist in identifying obsolete beliefs.

        “As you have so rightly interpreted, people will work within their own belief
        systems. There are limitations within some belief systems. Therefore, various energies, lights and essences presented to such a person would be interpreted within their model of the world; within their model of how the human and human-plus (if they believe in human-plus); how their systems work. There is expectation. There is an unfaltering belief that it is the way they have discovered it to be within themselves. It will take a paradigm shift in consciousness for such people who have learned their techniques; and their particular values that go along with what they have been taught. The suggestions and auto-suggestions will need to be de-hypnotized in order to assist such people to be unlimited in their perception; and open-minded to the many differences and the many possibilities in being; on all levels, aspects and dimensions.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission, circa 1998]


      • Expanding Divine Light REMOVES Light Body

        Celestial Transformation awakens divinity within and EXPANDS THE SMALLEST MOLECULE OF DIVINE LIGHT IN THE HEART AREA into every level, aspect and dimension, in a positive and beneficial way.

        One of the many benefits of Celestial Transformation is that it removes light bodies.

        “Light bodies are removed (humans are not designed to have light bodies. Light bodies represent interference from negative dominant beings.”

        Divinity does not have Lightbody; Divine Humans and Divine Earth Mother do not have a lightbody.

        “At the centre of that which is Earth Mother, and in the parallel of Earth, which WE ARE CREATING in a Higher- than-Divine Dimension if you like, we are creating most beauteous Golden Globe of Light. And if the Golden Globe of Light is not RADIATING and EXPANDING, then it is magnifying and echoing, and it is most, most beneficial.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Going into the Light is a Key Part of Celestial Transformation.

        “To go into the light, one must intend to go into the light. It is true that one may intend to go into the light and also meditate within the light. But being in meditation, does not unless the intent is there, and unless there is specific knowledge, apex knowledge to assist, entail going into the light. I cannot stress enough how powerful the experience of going into the light really is. It is a breakthrough for humans to do this. It creates most intense experiences of change, of transformation, of enlightenment.” [Ye, Earth Healing Transmission 1995 *not channeling*]

        Expanding into Highest Truth and Apex Knowledge can assist in identifying obsolete beliefs.

        “As you have so rightly interpreted, people will work within their own belief systems. There are limitations within some belief systems. Therefore, various energies, lights and essences presented to such a person would be interpreted within their model of the world; within their model of how the human and human-plus (if they believe in human-plus); how their systems work. There is expectation. There is an unfaltering belief that it is the way they have discovered it to be within themselves. It will take a paradigm shift in consciousness for such people who have learned their techniques; and their particular values that go along with what they have been taught. The suggestions and auto-suggestions will need to be de-hypnotized in order to assist such people to be unlimited in their perception; and open-minded to the many differences and the many possibilities in being; on all levels, aspects and dimensions.” [Ye: Earth Healing Transmission, circa 1998]


  4. I had decided a few days ago NOT to spread and share that particular HATHOR message, even though I dearly loved some parts of it that mimic my own advice:
    “If you are of the opinion that being a spiritual being requires that you always be in a state of bliss and happiness….”

    But the “6th mass extinction” info is not ringing accurately for me. It never has.
    And it has the flavour of negativity/darkness to it.

    And it does not address the fundamental issue of the “Timelines”, which is fucking BIZARRE, as Tom is one of the pioneers of spreading the Timeline information thoughout the Consciousness Stream of the Lightworker crowd.

    Because that Hathor mass extinction scenario is merely ONE POSSIBLE TIMELINE, and no higher frequency individual wants to experience THAT shit version of Earth reality.

    Furthermore, there is no such thing as “extinction” anyway, as all life forms simply transmute and shift to higher dimensions.
    Plus, all Blueprint DNA templates of all lifeforms are always recorded forever in the Akashic Records.

    They ALWAYS exist. Somewhere. On some dimensional plane.

    “Extinction” is a *human* concept, based on very limited awareness/thinking focused on Fear of Change, human Fear of death/mortality, and the typical human’s total lack of awareness of Divine Immortality.


  5. Absolutely ADORED the following message from a controversial Lightworker (we’ll call this person, G. S.)

    Although he foolishly disregards Bernie (as we know that Trump will go down on *this* Timeline, as well — AND this G. S. person is on a Lower Timeline than us, still on the Lower Earth’s Bubbleland )…it’s still hilarious in its clarity:


    “The current US election for president is as I wrote to Conny in German a “choice between pestilence (Hillary) and cholera (Trump)” quoting a famous German saying, which is a better and more precise metaphor than to “choose between a rock and hard place”.

    That is why I am convinced, in full agreement with my deceased compatriot, the famous seer Baba Vanga, that Obama is the last president of the Empire of Evil because the latter is crumbling now in front of our eyes. One does not need to be a seer these days to see the writing on the wall.

    The mechanism behind this implosion of the Orion matrix is instant karma.

    It is the operational principle behind the incredible political and military successes of Russia in Syria and Ukraine and the total paralysis that has taken grip of the ruling cabal in the west. No matter what these dark ones decide or do, it ends up automatically and immediately with the opposite result as Merkel had to experience personally after the last devastating for her party federal elections in Germany.

    Especially the demonization of Russia and Putin has backlashed and has thrown the MSM (Mainstream Media) in the West in their greatest crisis of all time.
    Trump is now profiting from this rapid marginalising of the American MSM who have opened all their bazookas to slay him but have so far achieved exactly the opposite effect.

    As Trump is now actually destroying the agenda of the US ruling cabal – more or less consciously, but surely out of pure, stubborn sadistic delight as he is one of them – there are only two options left for the US deep government to prevent its impeding demise by being “impaled on its petard” by the unguided missile “Trump-1″:

    1) to kill him and thus trigger a bloody revolution or

    2) to dissolve the GOP as to prevent his nomination and election.

    In the meantime, there is no doubt that Trump will win the nomination before convention:

    and will defeat Killary Kleptomania-Clinton. And the logic of the Trump voters is fairly simple:

    Marc Faber: “I Will Vote For Trump, Because Hillary Will Destroy The Whole World” (watch video here):

    “BARTON: Are you really a fan of Mr. Trump, Marc? Do you really believe…?

    FABER: It is all relative. Given the alternatives, I would vote for Mr. Trump, because he may only destroy the U.S. economy, but Hillary Clinton will destroy the whole world. Look at her nation building in the Middle East, how successful that has been. “

    This leaves the frustrated GOP with the only possible solution – to dissolve the party and trigger a true revolution in the USA as killing Trump may no longer be an option or rather the quickest scenario to their demise.

    In this case there is no doubt that Trump will continue with the elections against the Democrats, eventually against Killary in case she is not jailed before that for disclosing state secrets and other more obvious crimes.

    Trump has already accused her in a rare frontal attack of corruption that has put the once reigning principle of conditioned genetic behaviour of the ruling cabal known as “political correctness” in a clinical coma.

    The Gloves Are Off: Trump Accuses Hillary Of Being “Involved In Corruption For Most Of Her Professional Life”

    As I said – the writing is on the wall – and it is impossible not to see the imminent collapse of the Empire of Evil as a manifestation of instant karma in the End Time.

    Trump is the catalyst and it does not matter how evil and corrupt this man is. He is now the “executor of God’s will” –
    *the cabal should be ousted from power by their own people*.

    It is not for us as Ascended masters to do the dirty job after we have liberated this uppermost mother planet from all the dark archons in the last 5 years as a group and many of us individually much earlier.

    Since the end of January this year, the dark archons are no longer part of this ascending uppermost mother planet and now their human orphans have lost all their ability to control this humanity and are striding with giant steps towards their ultimate death.

    These are the “signs of the End Time” and I have never been more optimistic and exalted about the coming Big Change this spring as I am now. It is like riding on the crest of a huge tsunami (or being in the eye of the hurricane) and enjoying the scene of devastation beneath from this vantage point of view, knowing that all humans are immortal and need this mortal show to finally awaken from their interminable slumber and cognitive insanity.”

    ~ G. S.


  6. “Obama has done it again. In honor of his killing nearly one million people during his presidency, he has been awarded a 2nd Nobel Peace Prize. Good job POTUS”

    ~ Alex Jones

    “I’m really good at killing people.” ~ Barack Obama



  7. Oh no, apology again for double post – slip on the button


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