Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | June 23, 2012

Thank You Penn State and Sandusky for Freeing the Sexually Injured Children!!

As I was writing my blog for the morning and got to the part of divine counterparts and sexual energy, I suddenly felt prompted to pick up my phone to look at the headlines of today.  I cannot tell you the crescendo that happened not only in me, but all of creation with the jurors of the Sandusky child molestation trial finding him guilty on 45 or the 48 charges.

Lets just look at the numerology for a moment.  4=cycle on earth completed.  5= change together they equal a 9= final completion.  Yesterday was the 22nd of June.  22=full exposure (and release) of duality.  June being a 6th month… soul partnership/domestic harmony within.  As is the full dateline 6/22/2012

To all those who endured, in any way, the sexual invasion of an adult (in this case, Sandusky) and dared to come forward… I cannot tell you how much I honor your strength and courage.

Equally important are all those who worked to heal the trauma of the sexual invasion even when no one believed you.  For it has been us that lead to this very day, this very verdict!  Full exposure of a stealing of innocence.

I remember the first time I was molested (or at least the first time my mind allowed me to remember) I was 5 or 6 and my beautiful cousin was 16… in a barn in New Jersey!!  It would be the beginning of many other people exploring my vagina and my collapse of internal power by those who took so freely of my innocence.

As the years and the events occurred by others, I told twice.  Twice no one believed me, especially the foster system I was placed in.  I never told again.  Nor did I ever say no… not once.

That bled into my adult life and the loss of sexual power and ability to just say no.

So many of us have worked to restore, fully reclaim our sexual power from all those who took it with no regard for our loss.

Today, a new light shines down on the innocence of Love, of Trust.  A freedom like never before.

To Penn State, who turned a blind eye to the theft of innocence, thank you!!  Without you, this would not be in Light now.  To Sandusky, the children (even tho now in adult form) have taken back their mantle of power.  May you feel and understand what it is like to lose any part of your self thru the coming days and years.  Karma in full backflow!

To the jurors, thank you for Believing.  It is so incredibly hard to see a person of stature and conceive he (or she) can be a thief in the night (or shower, or school, or anywhere.)

My heart sings songs of Joy today as the child within feels heard and honored!!

A new day, a new light and a new freedom!  More than we can even understand right now!!

Lisa Gawlas



  1. I am so thrilled about that monster being found guilty. Now they need to prosecute the wife. There is NO WAY she didn’t know what was going on. She just didn’t want to give up the gravy train of money.


    • ((((HUGZ)))) Atheria,

      Ya know, self love, self sex is the greatest, purest love of all!! Take time to have mad passionate love with the soul of you!! (smile, wink)

      Sandusky has done this earth a great service, send him love… no monsters (smile). Ohhhh the river of De-Nial runs deep for many people, for her to survive to here, she was swimming at the bottom. And now, she must face it all… and needs so much of our love of caring Light.

      Love them both, and all… they need it now more than ever before!! What they stole they no longer have within their energy field… we can all serve to share our balanced love for the greater good… it will actually help every person who ever has or ever will to pause in the theft of innocence because they could not feel or find their own.

      I love ya girl. ((((HUGZ))))


      • Well, I admit the man is clearly mentally ill…..but…’s really hard to send him love and light.


      • Always remember this golden rule: Those who appear to deserve to be loved the least, are the ones who need it the most. That was the greatest lesson my own mother taught me in this life, tho she will probably not know that until she crosses.

        I don’t think he really is mentally ill… just starving for pure unconditional love and feeds on the children who seek that as well.


  2. This story has really caused me so much sadness… I cannot believe how people can see something like this and do nothing. I just don’t understand.


  3. What disappoints me is how many people new before he was caught. I am working my way through school by being a security guard. My understanding is that the campus police new. Everyone that new and did nothing has a lesson to learn. The fact that the entire football program was NOT placed on a 5 year suspension or more says a great deal about Penn State. Penn State actually believes they can put this behind them, because Sandusky has a guilty verdict. We as a collective still have a great deal to learn.


  4. I think we as a planet are in denial concerning the trauma associated with abused children. Oprah once said that, “abuse changes who the child was going to be.” I guess that was her way of saying it changes your timeline, and places you on a different one where your life goes in a different direction. I don’t know why we are so selfish to not take this more seriously. For example. Murder does NOT have a statue of limitation, but child molestation charges do.
    I also believe (but I can’t prove it) that foster children are at a greater risk than some other children. This says to me that we write off ” at risk children”
    DOES THIS PLANET DESERVE ASCENSION if we have no interest in our most vulnerable??????? Please excuse the rant.


    • Hi Michelle ((((HUGZ)))

      I absolutely disagree with Oprah. I am so much stronger and wiser spiritual BECAUSE of the molestation in my childhood. I learned from a very young age how to get out of my body. So creepy old me (and I knew them all) could do what they wanted to the body laying there, but Lisa was not in the Building.

      I have been molested (never sexually penetrated with a penis mind you, well not as a small child) by a cousin, uncles, my moms sugar daddys… a list longer than any child should have to endure. But again, I learned how to work my body and spirit thru it all… so it was a gift. A gift that serves me in ways now I didn’t have to work to achieve.

      I think the most traumatic molestation came from my mother. That confused me very much. Especially she did it in such a horrible way… telling me she seen the veil of veronica over me (whatever the hell that is) and that I was going to die by the time I was 15… I was 11 or 12… and that I should sleep with her. At the same time, the song “Mother and Child Reunion” was popular so I really thought the song was all about what my mother did with me. It took me until I was about 40 to even talk about it out loud without crying. That hurt my soul but didn’t kill it.

      What has happened now with the Penn State (funny I was born and raised in PA) and Sandusky was a group clearing of the Karmic energies of sex abuse. We may not see the fullness of it today, but a true and genuine healing and Light is now fully on the subject. Couple that with the amount of catholic priests being held accountable…

      Everything in its right time, in a way we may not fully understand… but deep inside, I know it is Good/God.

      I love ya Michelle!


  5. I understand exactly what you are saying; however, I think there are healthier and more organic ways for a child to learn to leave the body other than molestation. I don’t think we have to traumatize our youth to teach them a spiritual practice. I am glad for you that you were able to turn your experience into a stepping stone for growth. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in that memory, and they are never able to move forward. I think there are those that marry years later, but they never told anyone (including the spouse) what took place. Maybe the Sandusky “incident” will encourage others to speak there truth. I am NOT saying they have to go to court and confront the creepy guy, but maybe they could just say it out loud to themselves for once even if no one else was home to listen. Speaking your truth to yourself is just as powerfull as speaking it to an accuser in a courtroom.
    In regards to the catholic church. Priest have been getting in trouble over 20 years concerning there behaviour. If that has not triggered the people to wake up than well…..,what is left to say?????


    • I agree whole heartedly with you Michelle. We are getting there, but a lot of karma has to be cleared first. Penn State and Sandusky really took up the mantle on starting.

      In my healing (bathtub) sessions, one of the first things I asked spirit was why was I so often molested. I about shit when I seen myself as an older man, bout in his 50’s… alone. Sitting in front of an old tube TV, eating something from a TV Tray and I felt what he felt inside… of course I about died to realize that was me I was looking at. The depth of loneliness within him, and so much more than that really. In that version of me, I molested a lot of children, no doubt, the people in my life today who paid me back, gently really.

      We do not know why things happen, the very best we can do is not judge it, send love and healing to all and know Life is changing!!


  6. I remember reading somewhere on the Internet that we should send love to people that are acting out, because the behaviour shows they are struggling.


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