Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | May 1, 2016

The Music of Mays Dance Floor Comes Thru Your Heart to Move With!! Ready??

music of life

Happy May everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed the grand finale of April.  My last day of April was as different as it could get, at least from my normal day-to-day.  First, I only had one appointment on my dance card, not for the lack of trying to fill it up when I had to reschedule last time, but only one person was able to set their rescheduled time for yesterday.  This is actually the first intentional (well intentional from spirit’s plan, not mine) day off I have had since the last time I went to see one of my kids.  I just don’t take days off, I use them to reschedule appointments too.  I fully realized, I need to do days off more frequently, even when I don’t have anyone on my dance card, my whole body and mind is still hyper aware of the time, looking at the clock to make sure I am not late for an appointment that doesn’t exist.  Talk about building habits!!  It also allowed me to treat myself to a meditation after I published my blog.  I really wanted to know my position going into May and if there is anything I am not looking at that needs to be addressed.

As soon as my body hit the holy waters of my bathtub my team instantly said “you really don’t know how to take a day off, do you.”  Hey!!  I have the energy to connect for myself and I am going to take it, dammit!!  So the first thing I inquired about my car title, I told my team, I need help understanding how to get my car title in my hand before this year ends.  I then could see this vortex like swirling energy field about 10 feet in front of me, I walked up to it, put both of my arms into it, grabbed the quantum energy that would assist me in closing out my car loan and holding my title to my car.  The only thing I could visibly see was my car title, because god forbid we should get too much illumination on how it is going to happen.  Altho, I also planted the seed of the lottery here called “The Roadrunner Cash,” which is the daily cash  drawing.  It’s an easier lottery to win, my mother had won $200,000 on the Pennsylvania cash  a few decades ago and when I had my lottery club in florida, we had won $13,500 on the Florida cash 5.  So I have faith in it more than any other lottery.  I put my intended numbers into the vortex.

I stepped back to look at my position with May, I was surprised that I seen my body on that yellow gel like entrance placement already in the May energy.  I was about 2 feet into the energies of May and my hands were up in the air and the sun let loose some serious energies and exploded at and into my heart area.  What the hell is that??  I had no idea!!

The next thing I know my team is explaining about the 7 octaves that has been shown representing May all April.  They used the energy of octaves for a reason, sound, rhythm, think… music.  Then they showed what looked like a cross between a square dance changing partners and a fast polka, both requiring fast movement of the feet, my kind of dancing!!  Our job is to recognize the key change as May unfolds to quickly change to the next partner (in this case, it would be people dancing thru May, but it could be anything, a place, a desire, unlimited in its presentation.)  If we are in the magnetic flow of our lives and feel the energy, the movement of change will be swift and effortless and magical.

I cannot even imagine what would possibly cross my path in any given day.  My days are sort of like a record that is skipping, I get up, write my blog, do readings, process, sleep, repeat.  Period.  But yet, my opening into May has me already there and a super energy surge coming into my heart.  I know that means something but dammit if anyone would tell me.  I really assumed it had everything to do with my upcoming trip to Virginia.  I am finally giving in to allow my daughter to put a tattoo on my body, one that will connect us energetically and one that she put on her body some time ago for the same reason.  I will also be seeing my ex husband for the first time in sheez, 10 years or better and I am thrilled he is coming in from Florida to hold Valorie’s hand as well.  She needed that.  But other than these unusual things…

So I got out of the bath to make sure I had the time to prepare for my one and only appointment for the day, and decided to go onto youtube looking for a dance that was a cross between a polka and a square dance so I can put on facebook what I understand with Mays energies.  The only things I was able to find were actually dance classes and people learning to country dance.  Not quite what I was looking for, I wanted the visual I seen in meditation represented… but instead, this wave of energy came thru me like a ton of bricks, that looks like fun!!  Without even thinking I was googling country dance classes in Albuquerque.  Holy cow there is a lot of them!!  Two stood out, one called Arthur Murray (it sounded familiar in some way) and the other one, simply because it was the name of my sons contracting business when he was in Virginia, named after the initials of his son CSP Dance studio.  I couldn’t find a price list on the Arthur Murray website but did find some for the CSP one, 5 weeks, $55 for the 5 week group country sessions, which of course comes down to $11 a week.  I’m leaning in there… and yet, I crack myself up, I still asked anyone on facebook if they are familiar with this dance studio…. and I hear my team say  Really?  It didn’t matter that the name itself exploded in my heart and the numbers too… I really was looking for a reason not to, which failed.  lol

Keep in mind, I have never even so much as entertained the thought of joining a dance class, ever.  Not even while in meditation moments before.  I can come up with ready-made excuses why it’s too much fuss… any of the dance classes are an hour to an hour and a half drive one way, I work every day, I have a new course starting at the same time, and I don’t have the extra money.  I can invent excuses faster than I am willing to invent reasons why…

However, the one all time excuse I use for just about anything was eliminated as soon as I got out of the bath.  Between the time it took me to get out of the bath and look on youtube for a visual of Mays energy, a precious soul sent me a donation.  Instantly my mind seen the quantum vortex I was pulling from in my meditation… I now have the extra money to do my lottery ticket, (I would never ever take bill money and play the lottery with it, ever) but at this point, a dance class never even crossed my mind… not for another 5 minutes anywayz.

As I was looking to see if CSP Dance studios had a group country dance class later in the day, I found one Mondays at 6pm (and Saturdays at 10am, I sure as hell am not going to not work so I can go dance) perfect really.  Dammit.  Then I do what I do, I start pacing in my head about spending $55 on a series of dance classes I never even thought i would feel excited about a moment prior… and instantly my inner vision went to my incoming donation and my team said… its not taking money out of the bill pool.  Dammit.  I am now enrolled in country dance classes starting tomorrow May 2nd.  Holy shit batman!!  I would have never seen that one coming!!!  Not in a million years!!

Let me straddle my experience with my only reading of the day.  My lady showed up at the connecting point of April-May.  She had a single bar over her head, kind of like a parallel bar gymnasts use, only this was only as wide as her body.  Her body was suspended above ground, her hands firmly on the top bar, her energy going into her hips and legs to hold them out straight, parallel to the ground of May.  Then the next thing I see is this energy coming out of her heart center, creating to paths of energy one to her left one to her right and it started to form a heart shape, connecting/culminating after the mid-point of may.  The unified field of emotional output being experienced as physical life outcome simultaneously.  And even more to my surprise, a man appeared on this side of the time line of May (during the first two weeks.)  He felt like a strong relationship potential and he came bearing gifts.  Of course, the gifts in his outstretched hand to her, looked like lumps of energy in his hand, but spirit will always keep the mystery happening… they may be actual gifts, opportunities, just about anything conceivable and god forbid we could see what that would be!!

The one thing I could see for sure, there was a complete parallel of energy between my meditation and her reading.  Opportunities are going to present themselves in very unexpected ways and our job, if we desire to have the energy of our heart made manifest, is to move thru every door of opportunity and explore it all.  Don’t get hung up on any one thing, we limit ourselves when we do that and wonder why what we desired never became manifest… well, it’s waiting behind a door you have yet to walk thru.

Let’s all dance into new venues of our life we never seen coming… together!!  Thank you all for being the guiding force, the love made manifest in my life… I really would be lost without you and I know for sure as well, I sure as hell wouldn’t be dancing thru May without all your wisdom showing up and shining on my life and the lives of others.  Thank you for loving is all so much!!!!

(((((HUGZ)))) of happy dances and sudden surprises thru ALL!!!!

Lisa Gawlas

P.S. 2-3 month inner superpowers, outer Intergalactic Connections Course now available.  Click here for full details.


Just for the joy of it… nothing like a man in tight-fitting jeans… ❤  Happy May to ALL, thru ALL!! Keep the pep in your step and have fun!!







  1. Dear Lisa, as I told you when we connected… Spirit talks in 33 and 333 whenever sending me love notes with big exclamation points… was inspired and surprised to start drawing and painting a few days ago… this morning went to buy some cheap paints after hearing it was important to follow the prompt… as I did the checkout at the store, thinking “Should I really buy this now? Is this really guided???”, the paint colors rang up as – you got it – colors Marquee (blink, blink, bright light high beams on) 33 and 333. May all doubt blocking the awareness, that we are always guided to our highest good, be complete for ALL from here on. We are so loved and supported… we are in for a busy month, but with tons of expansion and fun and NEW. LOVE.

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  2. […] By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy […]


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  4. Hi sweet Lisa, Glad to hear you will be 2 Stepping through this next month. You deserve a fun break and BOY, will you be shaking up the energies. 🙂 Arthur Murray dance studios were very popular back in the 50’S, when dancing was actually with another person. Ha. Like Fred Astare. & Ginger Rogers. Xo Have fun! Blessings from KY.

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