Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | November 2, 2015

Going Beyond the Physical Eyes to Using the Central Eye of Creation!!

central eye

I have grown accustomed, perhaps way to accustomed lol, to each of you arriving on the field in a certain type of order that builds on part of the puzzle into the next.  It sure helps me understand the story better that way.  Well, yesterday that didn’t happen at all, really throwing me out of my comfort zone (didn’t even realize I had one of those with readings lol.)

My first lady showed up with her field of life shining so damn bright I couldn’t see thru it, the entire light spectrum was reaching into my home.  Usually, the field stays out in the field and doesn’t cross the threshold into my home, unless we are looking solely at your physical body.  I was wiggling and giggling my antenna the best I knew how to snake inside the brightness of her light to look from the inside out.  Holy Moley batman, the lining I see as the biosphere was starting to retract, separate directly at the middle and slowly retract downwards I guess into the earth or something.  What the hell??

I am already having a melt down because they (spirit) has taken away my paint (read) by numbers kit.  All the energies and all the sections were distinctly divvied up by energetic lines, over the last few days, those lines left, blending all the energies, all the sections into one massive area.  How do i discern what is what without the lines of distinction??  Spirit said they needed to orient me to the enormity of what we have available and what it means moving forward, but it truly is all blended together as one living system, not a bunch of sections.  Just… fine!!  I reoriented myself to the now condensed version of everything to help you (and my self) understand what you are doing and how.  Now, the only outline i have of distinction, that dome-shaped biosphere of light, leaving… geez!!!

But I suppose I should have realized this final removal was about to happen the day prior with all the light and then the work happening within.

As her team stated, first we had to build the house, the framework to orient ourselves to the new environment we are in, then remove it so we do not feel limited by its structure.  We could not possibly live in an unrestricted energy field with visions of restrictions in place.  (Yes, we can!! lol)

Now to switch the story for just a moment, actually add to in the crazy way spirit does.  I ordered some books for my daughter to expand her mind with from amazon the other day.  I actually went there to get her book two in the Eragon series and instead, somehow I ended up getting her two very different books.  One being “The Four Agreements.”  I knew I had that book outside in my car and for some very strange reason, that book has been in my car since before I moved to New Mexico over 5 years ago.  I have not read it, I skimmed it, seen the 4 agreement chapters and knew I lived that way anywayz.  Something inside of me prompted me to go fetch the book from my car and have a little read.  So I did, of course.  The first thing I see is the preface, named the “Toltec” is about mexico, the temples outside of mexico city known as the place where “Man Becomes God.”  Well, I know I see why AA Michael said I must visit the ruins in my Mexico adventure.  Kind of exciting.

It was when I read a few lines on page two of this book did the bells and whistles go off within me from my ladies first expression of the field.  Speaking of the brain when it is awake vs sleeping and now what if we truly reversed how we use our brains as I had witnessed the retraction of the lining I call the biosphere: “The difference is, when the brain is awake, there is a material frame that makes us perceive things in a linear way. When we go to sleep, we do not have that frame, the dream tends to change constantly.”  

Tie this into what spirit said the other day, to stop using our physical eyes to experience the world around us and use our central eye, what we call the third eye.  That is the eye that sees when we dream while asleep.  This is quite literally dreaming while awake, with purpose and intention to change it all, starting within ourselves.  To not see limitations the way our physical eyes have been programmed to see limitations.  We must remove the boundaries of our limiting perceptions of who we are and what we are capable of doing.

Then my second lady arrived and threw me for a linear loop, I was expecting more of the same (silly me, I do know better, but have those expectations anywayz lol.)  her biosphere was intact, except it was getting pelted by geez what looked like rocks made of intense light.  Fireballs without the fire, but beautiful, radiant hunks of light.  What the hell is that???  I was officially confused (more than usual) given what I had seen with my first lady.  Instantly I was reminded of the passage in the book I just mentioned, we are removing the linearness of our evolution.  Well just shit!!  Do it in my meditations, not on the field, please.

I started to feel these pounding hunks of illuminated light rocks had something to do with a meteor shower we are in.  Are we in one right now??  I had no idea, went to spaceweather with my lady on the phone, sure enough: TAURID FIREBALLS: Earth is passing through a cloud of gravelly debris from Comet Encke, source of the annual Taurid meteor shower.

Her team explained what I was seeing.  These fragments of debris are blending into the thing I see as the dome of the biosphere, completing the transference of energy into the living spectrum called us, changing the energy field and every single and multiple thing all at the same time.  This is what is causing the body symptoms, the light surges, and even the crazy weather patterns (which will be amped up as we move forward.)

My third lady, holy blow my phones out batman.  We spent the first 15 minutes of our 30 minute session getting disconnected over and over and over.  Calling back, the call drops again and again.  Keep in mind, you call me and I call you thru google voice, an upper atmosphere satellite system.  This is actually the second time this very same lady came to the field and broke my phones, at least for the duration she was trying to connect.  We snuck around the satellites, I gave her my landline number, she called me from her landline, we were fine for the rest of the 15 minutes.  The good thing, I had plenty of time to understand her bizarre part in this ever evolving field of Life.

Behind her biosphere there was a huge, gaping black substance (which I eventually understood as the reverse side of a black hole.)  The way her team explained this system, was this black hole exists in our current sky and what is happening is it has made a U turn in a way, transmuting the energy it sucked in to the higher energy as it spits it back out into our new, accelerated world we are orienting to.  This black hole energy was blowing her (all of ours) biosphere in half and collapsing it as well.  So not only is the meteorites affecting us, so is this energy system.

Ohhh and what also came thru this reading as well as my first lady’s, the communication frequency that is happening thru the field of light now emitting from the center of our creation.  It is speeding up the communication, altering the way sound waves are sent and received.  It is setting up like a superconductor.  Equally, so is the magnetic field of response.

I have one living, shining example of what this means and how it works.  My beloved baby girl.  For the first 8 days in jail, it has been a living nightmare for her.  No one would her pleas to make phone calls, to take a shower, to get a pen so she can write an appeal to her solitary confinement punishment.  She would have to beg and get louder and louder just to get 15 minutes with me on the phone.  When she found out the day before yesterday that she is going to be required to do all 30 days in solitaire, I put a please on my facebook as soon as I hung with her.  Send her love, prayers, strength and if you feel like, an actual letter or two.

Less than 24 hours later, I get a call from a happy girl.  My daughter’s energy level is up and joyful and hopeful.  She only had to ask one time yesterday to make a call and she was let out instantly to call me, she also asked if she could take a shower after the call, they said sure.  She asked again for an ink pen and was handed one immediately.  She was in a state of awe when she called me and I told her about the facebook post and the souls sending the love and energy to hear.  She wants you to know how incredibly grateful she is.  It has changed everything.  So much so, that even after she had a wonderful, long shower, they let her call me again.  Twice in one day and a shower too, and ink pen.  Miraculous!!!

Your love and light opened hearts like I have never been able to witness in this way.  We can use my daughter as an amazing validator of how powerful and how speedy your Love is and how much it is instantly changing even the harshest of environments.  Thank you so freakin much!!

I want to quickly go to my last man on the field.  Holy fires batman!!  The amazing flames of fires filled the entire inside of his biosphere.  Pure fire energy that was so clear to see thru.  I realized there were two “pipes” (if you will) one from west to east, which was pure in its clarity and then one from the north and south, a little denser, or thicker in the fire energy.  His team said he is pulling hydrogen from the west to the east and that is what is creating the clearest of fire energy that I am seeing.  From north to south, because that energy already exists here, is a little less clear/transparent.

He was also told that (and this is so important for us to understand too) that fire is both a creator and a destroyer energy.  In this realm, we must destroy energy to reuse it.   The d(appearance) of destruction is as important as the creation.  They gave him an example of a baby being born, creation.  One day, that same life will die, destruction.  Transmutation really.

Well there is more, much more, but I have an early day of readings today and its about that time.

Thank you for rocking my world and expanding my eyes and understanding to the unfathomable made manifest thru your Soul Light!!

((((HUGZ)))) of unrestricted Love and Dreams made manifest!!!

Lisa Gawlas

P.S.S. Pre Recorded Classes, Classes, Classes!
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  1. […] Source: Going Beyond the Physical Eyes to Using the Central Eye of Creation!! […]



    At worst, Hillary Transue thought she might get a stern lecture when she appeared before a judge for building a spoof MySpace page mocking the assistant principal at her high school in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She was a stellar student who had never been in trouble, and the page stated clearly at the bottom that it was just a joke.

    Instead, the judge sentenced her to three months at a juvenile detention center on a charge of harassment.

    She was handcuffed and taken away as her stunned parents stood by.

    “I felt like I had been thrown into some surreal sort of nightmare,” said Hillary, 17, who was sentenced in 2007. “All I wanted to know was how this could be fair and why the judge would do such a thing.”

    The answers became a bit clearer on Thursday as the judge, Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., and a colleague, Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to wire fraud and income tax fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers run by PA Child Care and a sister company, Western PA Child Care. (see article for more)


    • I have read articles similar to this one and they explain that most jails and prisons are for profit so they try to keep them filled (maybe that’s why there is so much overcrowding) and the judges and other workers get kickbacks as well.
      There are also websites that tell you how to buck the system by claiming your sovereignty and declaring that you are a being of the creator and asking if you are free to go. You don’t sign anything and if they ask you to state your name you say that you are a sovereign being of the creator and again ask if you are free to go. Your name is your strawman and by declaring your sovereignty no one has any jurisdiction over you.
      However, I have not tried this but know some who have and I encourage anyone who is thinking about this to read up on it as you really have to know your stuff and how the courts work.
      I do try to send lots of love to the courts and jail system as I know it needs all the help it can get.



  3. […] Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, November 2, […]


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