Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | February 28, 2012

Standing in the Smoldering Embers of February

I had noticed an interesting theme to the readings yesterday… it seems everyone is at a pause point.  That moment of deep inner reflection of where you have come from and where you are heading.  There was both a stillness and an anticipation within the air of each reading.

February has been a month of intense change.  The fires of purification burned all month long… and we stand now in the smoldering embers of all that got us to here…. Yet, not quite sure where to put our foot next.  So much of our familiar atmosphere of life is just gone.

I took my happy body into a meditation yesterday to hopefully understand… what next?  Gotta love the simplicity and non-answer of the field of communication that we connect to.  They simply opened my window curtains and let the sun shine thru (a symbolic gesture since I have no curtains and the shades are up!)  But what does it mean as something we can use and apply!!!?????

Another theme from yesterdays readings… Owning your Mastery!!  Don’t hear that as understanding it… God knows we would make ourselves nuts in the attempt!

Our Cinderella story is about to unfold.  We have burned the house down of the ugly step sister… removed all the chaotic energy that we allowed to make us feel less than and unworthy of not only going to the ball… but Being the Bell of the Ball!

We have scrumbed our castle floors til our fingers were just nubs… men, you too.  Inside of every great man is a wonderful Cinderella.  (grin)  But equally women… inside of every decked out Cinderella is a charming Prince.)

In these next 2 days… the last days of February (can I just give a “hell yeah” shout out to the close of February…smile) ..we are dressing up.  All the elements of nature are gathering to put on the final touches.  All we need to do is be still and feel with deep gratitude.

March will open with your big ole pumpkin carriage ready to take you away to the Ball of the 6th dimensional fields of Life.  A Ball that will never end unless you choose to leave it.

I keep my miracle pumpkin seed right here at my computer… simply as my reminder that this is real… this IS happening.

Can you hear the music?  It is coming in from the wind…. listen carefully… sway in harmony… and get ready to dance!!

I love y’all so much.  Thank you for the symphony of your Light filling my world!!

((((((HUGZ)))))) of light and laughter as we all learn to dance together!!

Lisa Gawlas

Two major obstacles completely overcome yesterday.  I can now record all phone readings thru google voice (as long as you call me.)  Also, I now have a land-line that will be used for readings… no more worry about the wind or storms taking away my cell signal!  Happy Dancing over here!!

Toooo funny, as I go to close this sharing I hear “Let the sunshine… let the sunshine in” in the combined voice of the 5th Dimension singing ” The Age of Aquarius”

…..Swaying to the music…..






  1. I love how I can check in with you in the mornings and get such a fantastic read on underlying energies…truly you are a gem!!!!

    I feel it…but I’m cognizant, not everyone is aware of it even though its still affecting their lives.

    March is gonna be cosmic though 🙂

    Hope you got some popcorn ready as Kavassilas quips 🙂


    • We, my beloved Patrick, are the gems in the cosmic treasure chest of life… together… beaming, sharing, amplifying!!

      Also… the pop corn… I read for a lady yesterday who just came out of the field of harvest (west) and she was swaying to the wind (now I get it) but in front of her was a german shepard guide dog.. and he was eating what looked like corn pops on the ground. Like wise dogs… he already knew the feast was at hand, and dogs do love to eat!!!

      Big big ((((HUGZ)))) of love to you Patrick… thank you too!!


  2. Umm…I know in my heart that all you have written here is true, but I just don’t seem to feel or see it. Wish I had the vision to see what’s beyond when, as you say, we get the “non-answer of the field of communication that we connect to.” Just feeling like a bloody pulp over here. February, as especially this final week, was really rough.


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  4. It’s Torque Lady. Sat. nite had a dream. I was dancing w/divine counterpart. There were no walls or floors, but windows were wide open letting in light. We waltzed in perfect harmony, gracefully gliding with wide sweeping circles. It felt glorious. When I awoke I was reminded of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty’s name is Belle. Love our synchrocnicity. 🙂


  5. Thanks for the extra info on the swaying, the dog, and the corn pops!! I didn’t really GET it yesterday. Sounds like you didn’t totally either!! I’m so glad you wrote your further understanding above, so that I may have it too!! Much love to you Lisa ❤


    • Hi Nancy, like I have always said, I am really slow on the uptake most of the time. One little trigger gets me up to speed… Patrick and his pop corn was exactly that. I am so glad you got to see the rest of your story! (((HUGZ))))


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