Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | October 7, 2014

The Ascending Earth thru this Eclipse.

rainbow ascension

When I woke up from my nights sleep yesterday, I could vividly remember hearing/experiencing a snap somewhere in the night.  The snap reminded me of when you broke something open, or snapped a glow stick to make the colors glow.  I only remember hearing it and the knowing (without knowing) that it had everything to do with the shift happening.  Even the air itself felt different as I woke up, clearer, sharper somehow.  It was the first time in days that I felt I woke up with vital energy instead of groggy head and body too.  As much as I tried to remember anything around that snap in my sleep time… nuttin.

I had to drive my friend to the airport in Albuquerque yesterday morning and it was on my drive back home did I become aware of…. something.  The first thing I noticed/could feel/seen was this interesting white energy that kind of looked as if you took a large spider web, rolled it up so it formed a spiral and it was being pushed/pulsed into my forehead/third eye.  I started to feel, I don’t know, expansive, floaty, as vast as the air around me.  This continued until I hit 550, the highway that takes me home.  That’s when whatever was happening shifted to my high heart area.  Again, as if someone took this large swatch of energy, this time tho, it was metallic and multi-colored and very feathery within the spiral and for that entire stretch of road (a good 30 minutes) I could see and feel this thing moving in and out of my high heart chakra.  Once I turned onto highway 4, the road that runs to my home, holy heavens batman… the root chakra vibration was… INTENSE!!  It was as if the part of my root chakra that connected to the ground became jack hammer like and vibrated into my body with tons of sensations that wouldn’t let you ignore its happening!!

I had one lone reading on my agenda yesterday and when I cranked out my antenna to see what we were gonna see for her, I was really surprised.  The eclipse was already underway.  Once again, a black disk covering the full moon energy and this vibrant full spectrum of color was splashing out from behind this disc all around the edges.  Something that kind of looked like this:

colored energy

Only tons more color and much more vibrant.  It was stunning and really took your breath away in its full spectrum.  I fully realized what I woke up feeling had everything to do with this, whatever this really was.  Even the colors matched the energy moving in and out of my heart chakra too.

So I decided to go looking for my lady on the field.  I was so surprised I could not find the earth at all, or her.  Instead I could see what looked like a an energy field becoming accordion like:


Now take that image and make the energy translucent and multicolored, but I could clearly see the accordion-ness to the field and realized it was as if the gravitational pull was upside down.  The energy was collapsing upwards to the moon, pulling the new earth upwards with it.  Raising the frequency, emitting a full on color/emotional spectrum to thru every molecule, every aspect that is earth.  That’s when it dawned on me, this is why my root chakra went crazy.  The vibrational rate alone of ascension, an intense raise in the vibrational field of life, as it moved higher in frequency, was pinging in my body.

What I didn’t realize until this morning was the different energy thingies that I experienced on my ride home yesterday was showing that there are parts of the earth where certain energies can be released and felt and other parts where you may not feel anything at all, simply because of the density it is super imposed upon.  But that does not mean you, whomever is aligned with the new ascended earth, is not going thru the energy infusion.

Another thing that is being presented, those who are in dense areas or even dense households this may have an exhausting affect on your biology simply due to the removal of the matrix you are still a part of.  However it happens, it is perfect.

This is going to be an interesting week for sure.  This morning, my tailbone is actually quite sore.  From what my team is saying it is the grounding in (if you will) into the full spectrum earth that is now underway.  This trek thru this very particular eclipse is igniting the energy of the new light body, the magnetic grid within the High earth and more.


It is going to be interesting to see what we see today, hell, this week!!  The eclipse is still two days out from our perceived timeline.  Strap in, pour a glass of champagne and enjoy the acceleration and untanglement!!

Big big (((HUGZ)))) of vibrant energy to everyone!!

Lisa Gawlas







  1. Hey, Lisa! Exciting post! I just read on earth that the eclipse is tonight/tomorrow morning. In the wee hours, but you’ll probably already be up. 🙂


  2. thank you for this sharing Lisa! my tailbone is very tender and I feel this soreness through my legs especially soreness in calves and feet. its like I am being pulled tightly to the ground! this is a physically intense day for my vessel. Much love and immense light from my heart to yours


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  4. Reblogged this on At the Table, On my Plate and commented:
    Major magic ♥♥♥


  5. […] sure that any followers of Lisa Gawlas’ blog saw her post on how we all now have our own star that we need to connect to.  Here is a bit of what she said. […]


  6. Huge hugs Li li! Finally found some time to come in for a visit! Very much feeling what you wrote. The body has its ways and it is very much like “Whaaaaa????” with all the changes! Root stuff, high heart stuff–and yep, third eye feels like someone is pushing their thumb against it!

    Whoot whoot, along for the ride babygirl! 🙂 love Alex


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