Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | January 18, 2013

The Guardians, The Magnetic Field of Life, and More!

golden light

There are times in the exchange of energy, of what I call readings, that is no less exciting than the greatest orgasm ever had.  Afterwards you just want to sit back and have an amazing cigarette and just feel what your whole body and soul experienced.  Yesterday, in an intimate exchange of understanding and expansion with a beautiful lady in the field… it was very much like that!

But before I share all the juicy nuggets that came from her reading (as well as others) I want to first talk about a conversation we had, a few days prior, she had a meditation that set the stage of this incredible exchange of information.  But I also realized thru her sharing her meditation, about the time I was going thru serious left eye stabbing pain and laid in my bath tub all day, something was happening in my bathtub those hours I did not give any credit to, until this amazing connection.

In the several hours I was in my bath, my whole field of vision was acting like a strobe light gone wild.  Dark, then light, dark then light continuously for close to 3 hours.  I just poo pooed it off as something to do with my intense eye pain and inability to keep my eyes open for very long.  This strobe effect happened whether my eyes were opened or closed, it didn’t matter.

When we hurt, especially when we hurt so damn bad, we instantly think we need to fix this, stop this, something must be wrong.  Well, just like my cancer journey, something was incredibly right.  Hurt like hell, but resulted in piercing so far thru the veil, to see and experience other peoples codes of Light and extract and digest what is needed from that.

Kinda like ripping a band aide off.

Instead of sharing the blow by blow details of her reading, I am going to simply share the massive understandings that came thru it.  Talk about seeing and understanding how we work NOW!!

Let’s first bring back the visual of the body’s double Torus:

Added note:  That image needs a slight tweaking.  In the way it is presented, the inner field looks as if it is coming up from our root chakra and ratiates (creates itself) outwards from the hips and shoulders.  It doesn’t.  It radiates out from the heart center itself.  The energy that fills the outer field, does indeed create itself from the core stream.  This is why it is crucial you (we) be clear on whether we are energizing emotional thoughts or pure heart energy.


See where the heart is located on the person, we are going to call that your deep inner core energy.  It is where all life starts and ends in y/our reality.  The inner circle is what I call your inner field, the radiance of your heart energy creating.  Your core energy moves out of your core and starts to energize your inner field, the most immediate aspect of your created life.   Passion!  True, unadulterated PASSION.  That’s y/our key!  Always has been.  But I will get to that in a moment.

Thru this amazing lady in the field I realized something so utterly amazing and exciting… what I call the inner field and the energy I keep seeing like a crystal ball is our pure consciousnesses energy, our soul energy. I so wish I could show you instead of use words because it really is holy shit amazing!!

When she started talking about a divine counterpart or her passionate project her and her partner have been working on, suddenly I could see these deep golden whips of energy flinging around everywhere inside of her crystal ball looking inner field.  I could see the orientation from her deep core energy (inner heart) and the beaded like magnetic whips moving with her words all around her inner field.

It really gives credence to what I had shared a week or so ago from my own meditations, only now I am really starting to understand the full scope of it.


OMG just finding this picture gave me yet another huge ah-ha moment.  If you can look at the very center of the above image as your core heart energy (deep inside your body) and the ball itself the crystal ball inner field area.  You are magnetizing your reality by your deep inner emotional field.  When those arcs of energy connect to something in the outer field of creation (see the outer field in the double torus) it appears in your life.  We magnetized connected to our heart or mental energy (what ever is powered up most within the emotional field.)  Some of the easier examples of this is; new job, new place to live, new car, things that are already ready for you and now you are ready for it.

However, there is something even more to all of this.  What if your hearts passion (no ego involved here) requires another consciousness for the experience needed.  Boy if this whole understanding doesn’t get really interesting!!  I hope I can keep it uncomplicated in this sharing.

Remember, there is a third field of energy involved here (beyond the inner and outer field of our created life.)  This is where the whole game gets really interesting and fun!!

The magnetic field of earth!!

earth light

I think the easiest and most clear way to explain what I am understanding is by using my own journey, my own surprising and heart expanding move to where I live now, as an example.

When the last tenant moved out of this place I now live, my landlady placed an ad on craigslist to advertise the availability of this house.  In doing that, she also placed within the energy of that ad, her heart desire.  To attract someone who really feels the wealth and energy of this landscape and who has the internal fortitude to live far from anything (stores, entertainment, just about anything one would take for granted) that distracts from daily life.

Her heart desire was beaming like a beacon out on what I call the magnetic grid of earth…. sending out signals… very encoded signals.

When Archangel Michael asked me how I seen myself in 2012 and I got thru all the mental responses I spewed out and then let me heart respond… Her beacon of light opened the codes of Light within my created field of energy, the trek I had to take onto craigslist and find her ad and seen this place thru a picture, opened the codes in my inner field of energy,

The pull within my own heart field was so strong to go visit this place that it completely over rode my head.  I had no money, forget $1400 that seemed so unattainable.  I went anyway.

Meeting her was like meeting a friend you have had all your life, but just realized their form in this creation.  We talked for hours.  I asked her what in her could have possibly happened to let me move here.  She said it was when she was showing me the property, and we went down to the river, she just knew.  I did too.

So did you.  Because you opened your hearts (and wallets) in a way that will humble me forever.  Donations came thru and within a week, my first months rent was paid in full.

So with all that said, our magnetic energy is seeking its counterpart, no matter what that is.  A place to live, a job, a relationship or the very key that will fully and utterly unlock the energy of Shambhala, that which I call, our Divine Counterpart.

I do want to throw out a word of caution, BE CLEAR where you are in your field of energy.

My greatest teacher right now is someone who seems to show me/us what we need to work on, shift into.  In her reading, she was set up on top of her crystal ball.  So we can look at that as, trying to create from the outside of her field of core energy (inner field and deep core) from the aspect of created life (it is our mental talk that keeps us there, on the outside looking in.)

In her reading, she found an opening in her outer crystal field of energy and was dropping seeds of desire down into her inner heart field.  I just now realized, I didn’t see those seeds drop into her deep inner heart area and that is the only real and true place full germination of lasting results can take place from.

Even as I type that understanding out, I just got a flash of what I am sharing in my Shambhala blog.  The full and permanent shift within ourselves.  Moving from created life (root chakra energy) to Soul centered desires (heart center.)

I am just going to let you savor that for now (as I do the same.)

I have to add something else, very very important.

The Guardians

I went into my own meditation the day the lady with the multi suns showed up in a reading.  I felt like I was missing an important detail about all those suns and their sizes, boy I was missing a lot!!

For the first time in a long time, the Guardians showed up in my meditation, speaking as one collective voice.  They helped me understand they have been on the earth forever, but equally, they are an “intergalactic” energy.  Having an energetic toe on so many other realms of existence  they are not human, they are intergalactic energy (consciousnesses) that equally have a human in process right here, right now, for full integration of themselves into each of us.

Over the span of 2012, we as an individual and a collective have been readying our energy fields, both in our bodies as well as our created fields of life, for a full on union.

We are in that unified expansion right now.  It may not feel like it (god knows, speaking for myself really) …but, from my expanded, holy freakin wow understandings these days… unmistakable!!

So thru a few of the readings the last day or two, for those who have energy emerging from their deep inner core (heart) starting to permeate their inner core, I had seen an individuated Guardian, looking very much like a huge whisp of amber light energy… starting to jump off the cliff, in the very place the cliff (Mesa) exploded… and I know (tho did not see) the fall will be into your readied energy centers.

It will be so exciting to see what all this means to us.

I am going to close on that note.   But, I do want to share a gift that was given to me yesterday.  A beautiful gentleman sent me an email with a picture of the Mesa from the view of the road.  Holy Beautiful Batman!!

I love y’all so much and thank you for loving presence in my world each and every moment of the days.

Lisa Gawlas

P.S. Sundays Soul Gym workout… Unconditional Love without Judgement!!!

Jemez Rockslide


  1. Thanks Lisa for another sharing that validates my experience 🙂

    I am in the process of readying my chakras for this next stage… Im working on my sp as the upper ones all seem to have sort of merged and aligned.

    When I bring my energies up from my base chakra they cant move any further up than my sp… Or at least they couldnt before i did a meditation the other night… Havnt had the chance to check yet, but the discomfort has all but gone so i’ts looking good!

    As always I’ll be blogging on it as soon as I can…. Much love and appreciation,

    Kel xx


  2. Also I’m going to take that ‘seed’ thing on board because i’m pretty sure I got something similar to that in a reading with you too! On the plus side I sent out the desire for a new laptop to do my blogs on… Next day I got a tax rebate!! Woop 😀

    I’ve gone commenting crazy tonight so I’ll stop waffling now haha!

    Much love… Again! Xx


  3. […]  / link to original article […]


  4. Lisa, I wrote this message to myself 5/19/2011……..I’ve been getting this message of St Elmos Fire for a few days now…… I thought it was in reference to my lighting my own internal SEF…. my spirit self coming fully into my physical self and making the internal flame light…… still think that’s part of it. But then, Daddy (deceased) came to me in a very lucid dream (perhaps another timeline? that real) and the words flowed very fast and formed as I spoke/thought the word before it…. like being dictated to. Anyway, he said that he was being charged with a felony for getting fired up about being charged for water and electricity when it was free on his land the whole time….. As I thought about this, SEF came to me…. if it can be manufactured and harnessed “on site” to create the electricity free….. and then this also went out to power vehicles too…. think glass ball on stick that has plasma or electricity running all around it. (*I was distinctly shown the plasma globe, but at the time didn’t know what it was called and had to search for it!)

    Then Lauren Corgo wrote this on 5/22/2011…..

    What the unseens want for us to understand is that the physical apparatus (the biology suit) that houses the spirit body is actually as malleable and adaptable to change (mutation) as the spiritual body itself, however it is residing in the lower dimensions and is therefore governed by space and time. (Read: slowwwwww) So even tho Jesus Christ liquified into his plasmic lightbody in three days (???), down here in the trenches…where we will continue to don these fat flesh suits…we have to abide by the laws of physicality.
    So, the spirit body…which is a replica of the physical body, but in its complete perfection…consists of etheric matter and is therefore a malleable substance that forms the template for materialization. What is happening during this passage is that our physical (divine) blueprint of perfection is meeting the human-made (egoo) blueprint and the two are merging into one.

    Wikipedia defines St. Elmos Fire as:
    St. Elmo’s fire (also St. Elmo’s light[1][2]) is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as those generated by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption).

    St. Elmo’s fire is named after St. Erasmus of Formiae (also called St. Elmo, the Italian name for St. Erasmus), the patron saint of sailors. The phenomenon sometimes appeared on ships at sea during thunderstorms and was regarded by sailors with religious awe for its glowing ball of light, accounting for the name.[3] Because it is a sign of electricity in the air and interferes with compass readings, some sailors may have regarded it as an omen of bad luck and stormy weather. Other references indicate that sailors may have actually considered St. Elmo’s fire as a positive omen (as in, a sign of the presence of their guardian saint).

    Wikipedia defines coronal discharge as:
    In electricity, a corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor that is electrically energized. The discharge will occur when the strength (potential gradient) of the electric field around the conductor is high enough to form a conductive region, but not high enough to cause electrical breakdown or arcing to nearby objects. It is often seen as a bluish (or other color) glow in the air adjacent to pointed metal conductors carrying high voltages. Spontaneous corona discharges are undesirable where they waste power in high-voltage systems or where the high chemical activity in a corona discharge creates objectionable or hazardous compounds, such as ozone. Controlled corona discharges are used in a variety of filtration, printing and other processes.


  5. Thank you for sharing your insights after Lisa was kind to share hers. I also read Loren’s blog and follow the sun’weather, you are amazing in integrating all these different findings and sharing their overlay. Thank you


  6. Thank you Stephanie….. I am just so grateful to Lauren and Lisa (and others/all of us!) for helping me stay sane and helping me to understand what I’m seeing…… I always think when I’m given something off the wall that all I have to do is wait a day or two and Lauren or Lisa will cover it and explain it all to me:) I’m so grateful for the network we have and how it all comes together!


  7. Dear Lisa,
    thanks again for your loving insights. When I read the chapter about the guardians and the merging in us, I instantly heard my inner voice saying: See, I told you. I didn’t doubt my experiences with my Guardian, which I call aspects of myself, but it reminded me of my first contact with one of them. It came through by writing, and I watched myself starting to write as if it wasn’t me. He stated, that he hadn’t quiet „moved” in my body yet because of various reasons which he told me. It took me a few days of inner talks to take all this in but with the time I experienced a lot of new aspects settling into me. At least I thought they where settling in but really it’s the other way round. They are already in us, always have been but couldn’t be part of us, because we kept them looked up in us(ego,mind,separation). Like all our knowledge has always been in us and is released when we are ready. The last aspect really “showed” me, that it came from the inside. I felt it sort of imploding in me, like when you are just falling asleep and it seems you’ve been missing a step. I listened in me and there he was “talking” to me about this “inner release” and about seeing my human self through his/my eyes, which does help me a lot practicing to just love and accept my human self the way it is. I love it when you speak about yourself, because I can really feel it when you say that you love your body. When I say this I can not quiet feel it the way I feel it when you talk about yourself, but I’m sure it is opening up in me.
    Thank you for your light, it’s “feelable” shining very strong.


  8. I am giggling Li li…we were talking about communication the other day and I kind of really wanted to figure out communication with other beings involved and really that was all about manifestation within a group of consciousness and not in the vacuum of one. You have answered my question! LOL I love it and it feels so right! Also love the beautiful Mesa picture…notice the splitting of the path at the bottom–strong symbolism to me that we always have free will. 🙂 Huggles…Alex


  9. Dear all,

    Thank you for sharing again. It does help me understand my process so much more. I feel so alligned and synchron with all you write.

    I would like to share the following:
    When a life lesson is learned it leaves your system, it will not come up again. When not learned, consious awareness, circles repeating themselves. When coming into embodiment you take with you whatever you did not learn in previous lifetimes.
    I think we are also here to stop certain old cycles, for not to pass on to future generations. If you activate all of your dna, Kryon teachings, you can change it permanently.
    E.g. I worked with the Violet Flame and purifying all 7 karmic patternings and I cut soooo many connections as I could think of. From witchcraft, voodoo to family patternings and conditionings and much more.
    I am almost walking Love now!

    I have a heart, about 2,5 inch popping up in my heart chakra, only the outer lines. It happened after I connected to my Twin Soul and God, trinity.

    I will share what really helped me ease the process, do not know if it works for all of us.
    Remembering having had millions of lifetimes, so imagine how much hidden knowledge is hidden within you.
    Never feel guilty when nasty dreams etc arrive, we have all been the good, bad and ugly and done anything you can imagine. It is not personal, it belongs to the natural journey of the Soul.
    I found out that I could activate myself on just about anything, found it in a Pleiadian sharing and it works instantly if it is right for you.
    Thy shall be done – saying this changes my energy instantaniously?
    Your wish is your command, when I do this and it is right, based on Love and intent is instantly done.
    This process is about understanding that there is no death, only the physical body dies.
    It is the century of Christ, we are here to become spiritual/mental consiouss.

    Your Light and warmth grows through service to All.

    This lady, the process helped me understand so much more


    Trust God!


  10. […] I so wanted to do my readings… so I pushed thru anywayz.  The moment I started to crank out my antenna, while still in my kitchen on to the left side of my view  there was an intense strobe light affect happening.  I vaguely remembered something like this happening inside of my own meditations last month.  I did find the post that I wrote about that and really, all that is taking place now… here. […]


  11. […] I so wanted to do my readings… so I pushed thru anywayz.  The moment I started to crank out my antenna, while still in my kitchen on to the left side of my view  there was an intense strobe light affect happening.  I vaguely remembered something like this happening inside of my own meditations last month.  I did find the post that I wrote about that and really, all that is taking place now… here. […]


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